

Epsilon 500D

  • A cutting-edge X-Ray platform with best-in-class technology and unparalleled clinical capabilities that puts our X-Ray services ahead of the curve.

  • Powerful Platform

    An imaging suite offering complete exam versatility, precision, and reliability with exceptional image post-processing & intelligent dynamic enhancement.
  • Built-in Scalability and Upgradability

    Ideal for high-volume and high-throughput environments with industry recognized gold standard.

X-rays are the oldest and most frequently used form of medical imaging. They are often used to help diagnose fractured bones, look for injury or infection and to locate foreign objects in soft tissue. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that sends small waves through the body, which are then absorbed in different amounts depending on the materials they pass through. Dense materials like bone or metal will show up white on x-rays, while air in your lungs would show up black. Materials like fat and muscle often appear as shades of grey.

Any image created using an X-ray is due to different X-radiation absorption by different structures or parts in the body. A dense structure, such as bone, absorbs a high percentage of the X-ray beam (which appears light grey on the image), whereas low-density structures, such as soft tissues, absorb a small percentage (which appears dark grey on the image). The body has many different structures of varying densities and this different creates a picture or image.

  • Abdominal X-Ray
  • Bone X-Ray
  • Chest X-Ray
  • Dental X-Ray
  • Extremity X-Ray
  • Hand X-Ray
  • Joint X-Ray
  • X-Ray Films
  • Radiologist Report
  • Inform the radiographer if you are pregnant this is important information as it will make a difference in the way the X-ray is carried out or a different test altogether might be required. Your safety and that of your unborn child is our number one priority.
  • A hospital gown will be given to you to wear, as some clothing can make it difficult to see the images clearly.
  • You might also need to remove certain items, such as watches, necklaces and some types of clothing that contain metal objects, such as zips.
  • If you are attending a follow-up X-ray to assess the progress of an injury or illness, you might need to carry any previous X-rays with you so that when reporting a comparison of the new X-ray with the old one can be done to see if there has been any recent changes.

Why Choose Us?

All staff are licensed to provide medical services in accordance with Kenyan law & have adequate training & experience to perform the duties required in accordance with professional standards.

We use high end medical equipment ensuring the best accuracy & performance.

We provide a wide variety of payment options that includes mobile money, master card, & visa card.