

The festive season is here with us and with it comes over indulgences on our favourite foods and drinks. Our gut will be on an overdrive courtesy of what will be pumping it will be pumping it with.We expect our gut issues which start from bloating ,indigestion, hyperacidity,constipation just but to mention a few. At Rayhaan Healthcare we have purposed to let nothing dim your shine and dampen your festive season spirit. Get some healthy gut tips to maintain your health.

WATER IS LIFE:As cliche as it seems ,keep yourself hydrated as dehydration would lead to an overly acidic stomach ,heartburn and constipation.

STOCK UP ON PLAIN YORGHUT: It's great to have it in the morning with its natural bacteria it helps in reducing bloating and digestion.

PARTY BUT GO SLOW ON THE ALCOHOL: Exercise moderation as much as possible, go for low alcohol options .Alcohol affects the diversity and composition of your gut hence causing bloating, nausea and hyperacidity.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: The health of all organs in your body is dictated by what you consume.Purpose to go for nutrient dense high fiber foods and make them delicious.

MOVE AROUND: We all love a little bit of beautiful scenery ,ensure you have a post a post meal walk ,by moving around you help food in the gut to move ,decrease heartburn and bloating.

PORTION CONTROL: Dont eat to the brim ,small frequent meals helps your digestive system to process food easier.

MONITOR YOUR BOWEL HABITS: In case the gut symptoms get the best of you contact us at +254111051530 for any bowel diagnostic test ranging from laboratory services to imaging tests.

We wish you a Merry Christmas & a festive season!


Tags: Gastrointestinal